Innovation Investment - $766,702 (2024 - 26)

The Innovation Investment Award (IIA)

The Innovation Investment Award (IIA) grant, from The Michigan Center for Adult College Success, seeks to implement innovative solutions for improving persistence and completion rates among adult learners over the age of 25, contributing to Michigan’s Sixty by 30 goal. The IIA project will focus intensive efforts on non-traditional, low-attainment populations who do not consider a college degree an opportunity available to them – this is particularly true of first-generation, minority and economically disadvantaged populations. Moreover, not all barriers to college are exclusively economic. Psychological barriers also significantly affect the decision to enroll in college

A central element of this $766,702 project is to embed services within the Orchard East neighborhood, an economically disadvantaged neighborhood within the City of Monroe and the most racially diverse area in Monroe County. The College will adapt programs recently developed through successful federal Title III and Detroit Drives Degrees Community College Collaborative (D3C3) grants. The intention is to locate within Monroe County’s most underserved neighborhood a resource hub for all adult students in the county. 

The project leverages a cohort model to support adult learners by tailoring for the adult (25+) population proven systems changes initially designed for traditional age students. MCCC’s Bridges to College program for adult learners will assist students by: 

  • Supporting reading, writing and math skill development.  
  • Offering a hybrid model of instruction that includes online and in-person learning. 
  • Activities to prepare students for college and help them to build a sense of familiarity and belonging at Monroe County Community College. 
  • One-on-one development of individual academic success plans with regular progress check-ins. 
  • Providing non-academic support including access to basic needs security. 
  • Learning about financial aid opportunities and gaining career readiness with hard and soft skills.  

The programs to be embedded will include success coaching, retention specialists, mental health counseling, and short-term credentialing efforts. While the primary focus of this program and partnership is on adults specifically within this disenfranchised neighborhood, any adult in Monroe County and surrounding communities in Monroe County will be eligible for these services, including any adult learner age 25+. 


Grants Manager

Josh Myers
Executive Director of The Foundation
(734) 384-4214